CALL US:06 3578535 | 0800 100 640  |  481 Tremaine Ave Palmerston North, NZ

What others say about Carpet Care


"We have used many carpet cleaners in the past but all they did was leave the carpet so wet that we walked on wet carpet for days and in our rest home that is not acceptable. I’m truly greatful for the service that S.T.M cleaning provide."



The Ranfurly Manor





"It’s so nice to have somebody we can trust to do the job right and service our clients when there is need. Keep up the good work."


Wayne Young

Rangatikei Flooring

(Palmerston North)


"The Service was Excellent. I Will definitely Use S.T.M again."


Debbie Webster



I was very pleased with the service I got. I had flood at home on a public holiday, the service I got was quick and professional. Thanks to you my carpet problem was solved.


Mrs K.Burgess


Contact Us

For a no obligation discussion on how we can assist you, please call one of our team!

481 Tremaine Ave
          Palmerston North
          New Zealand

0800 100 640

06 357 8535

About Us

At S.T.M we clean carpets to the highest standard throughout the lower North Island.

We will visit your home to give you a written quote (Carpet Audit). During the visit if we will check to find out anything that may concern us, and will ask you what you want us to accomplish.